Креативные подушки

Картинки: #1
Креативные подушки
Картинки: #2

Креативные подушки

Картинки: #3

Креативные подушки

Вот тут я не понял что они накалякали, если кто силен в английском читайте: Developed by Ivonne Dippmann, the i-Sleep pillow works in unison with your laptop and could transpire to be an indispensable travel gadget for those needing a little shut-eye whilst jet-setting to their next business appointment. Billed as being ‘an analog laptop extension’, it’s described as functioning in much the same way as an aircraft’s lifejacket, using the hot air expelled by your laptop (whilst your laptop’s in standby mode) to inflate and become a very warm pillow.

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Опубликовано в Креатив
14 Ноя 2011